How do I run a gift history report that does not show all the adjusted gifts?
  • 04 Jun 2023
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How do I run a gift history report that does not show all the adjusted gifts?

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Article summary

I want to run the gift history report and show unajusted gifts and the final good gift.  I don't want the reversals.  I don't want to see all the mistakes.  What selections do I make?

When you adjust a gift the adjustment type is changed to reflect the activity.

In a new gift, the adjustment type field is blank.
When a gift is reversed, the new reversing gift has an R adjustment type.
When a gift is adjusted you get both a reversing (R) gift and a new adjusting (A) gift.  The original gift now switches from a blank to an S for source gift.

So running any gift report and selecting an adjustment type of blank ( a space) thru A will get you original unadjusted gifts (the blank) and the final gift ( the A).
  • Unadjusted - blank
  • Reversing gift - R
  • Adjusting gift - A
  • Source gift - S

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