How to clean up un-needed files on FIMS Server
  • 05 Dec 2023
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How to clean up un-needed files on FIMS Server

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Article summary

I would like to clean up the FIMS directories on the FIMS database server, which files can I delete safely?


There are several files that can be deleted in order to improve performance in FIMS and add space to the database server:

I. Remove Temporary Files:  

A. FIMS creates temporary files in the following location: 

X:\npo\found\tempfiles (X is the local drive letter on the server (usually C)) 

These files can be cleared out by two methods: 

In FIMS, Tools > System Utilities > Admin Utilities > Delete Temporary Files

Delete Temporary Files  


If all users are out of FIMS, then you can use Windows Explorer to delete the files in the folder specified above. 

B. These files can be created in the npo\found and npo\found\FIMS folders, if all users are out of FIMS then you can use Windows Explorer to delete the files in the folder(s) specified (they are very small files 0-5KB):  

cnvdump.[Date].XX,XX,XX.d  (these files are typically created from the dormant profile process and the DIY profile import)

II. Old Server Move/Migration files and folders: 

A. Delete the following folders in the NPO folder if they exist: 

dlcold or dlc-old 

oemgmtold or oemgmt-old  

wrk_oemgmtold or wrk_oemgmt-old 

foundold of found-old 


III. Windows Explorer folder copies 

A. Any folder that has a copy of it created by Windows Explorer will look like this: 

[name of folder] – Copy  (example: “demo – Copy”) 
If any of these exist they can be removed. 

IV. Old FIMS backup folders               

A. These are found in the following folder: 

X:\npo\found\ (X is the local drive letter on the server (usually C)) 

They are named “fimsbkp-[date]-[time]” or “fimsbkp-[date]” 

These are created during FIMS version upgrades.  We usually recommend keeping at least the last one, but all may be removed if drive space is an issue. 

V. Older FIMS Database backups 

A. These are found in the following folder: 

X:\npo\found\DBBackup (X is the local drive letter on the server (usually C)) 

These database backups are usually named the following: 




Recommendation is to keep the three most recent database backups but if drive space is an issue, then all but the most recent can be removed. 


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