How to Restore FIMS Data from a Backup of the NPO Folder
  • 25 Jan 2023
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How to Restore FIMS Data from a Backup of the NPO Folder

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Article summary

You can restore FIMS from a backup of the NPO folder, but it has the potential to overwrite your existing FIMS data for all databases. It will also affect FIMS files as well.

It is better to identify the issue with the database in question first, then, if necessary, after that use a bkp file as needed to restore live database.

CAUTION: Restoring FIMS from a backup of the NPO folder has the potential to overwrite your existing FIMS data. It is best to have an IT person perform any restore and is recommended that you create a support case before doing these steps to discuss all options.  

How to restore a copy of the NPO folder:

On the FIMS Database server:

1. All users must be logged out of FIMS. You can run show live users to see who is logged in.
2. Un-share the NPO folder so that users cannot log back in
3. Make sure you have the correct backup (e.g., tape, hard drive, flash drive) that you will be restoring from that has a recent copy of the NPO folder.
4. Stop All Databases:
How to Start and Stop a FIMS Database for On-Premise Environments

5. In Admin Tools > Services, choose Stop the AdminService for OpenEdge service.
6. IMPORTANT: Rename the current NPO folder on the hard drive to 'NPO-before-restore'.

  • This is the most important step so you do not overwrite your existing FIMS data          
7. Restore the NPO folder from the backup location to the same drive on the server where the current NPO folder is located that you renamed above.
8. Restart the AdminService (this typically will start the database)
9. Restart the databases (step #8 above should start the database but it is always good to check).
10.  Log into FIMS on the database server

  • If you get error when trying to log into the database from the backed up NPO folder, then most likely the NPO folder was backed up when the database files were in use. Please see the following article on best practices for backing up your data:
  • If there are no errors and if you have determined that the data and FIMS are good, then re-share the NPO folder giving users full permissions.

How to un-do restoring the NPO folder:
If you would like to put the original NPO-before-restore directory back into place so that it can be used, do the following:

On the FIMS Database server:
  1. Stop All databases
  2. In Admin Tools > Services, choose Stop the AdminService for OpenEdge service.
  3. Delete the restored NPO folder or rename it to NPOrestore.
  4. Rename the NPO-before-restore folder to NPO (make sure this folder is shared with full control for Everyone).
  5. In Admin Tools, Services Start the AdminService for OpenEdge service (this will start the databases).
  6. Log into FIMS on the database server.
  7. If there are no errors and if you have determined that the data and FIMS are good, then re-share the NPO folder giving users full permissions.

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