Invalid Grantee Code\Invalid Title Code\Invalid Interest Code Errors after resuming Work in FIMS after Period of Inactivity
    • 11 Jan 2023
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    Invalid Grantee Code\Invalid Title Code\Invalid Interest Code Errors after resuming Work in FIMS after Period of Inactivity

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    Article summary

    After a period of time not using FIMS, upon the user's return to the workstation and resuming work in FIMS the following errors occur:

    Invalid Grantee Code
    Invalid Title Code
    Invalid Interest Code

    Followed by:
    'Database found not connected'

    FIMS will then completely close out.


    This occurs due to the user's computer using a wireless connection and loosing connection to the database. This disconnect can be seen in the database log file and also in Event Viewer. If FIMS cannot connect to the database, it therefore cannot validate grantee or other codes and thus the errors occur.

    To address this issue hard wire the computer in question rather than using a wireless connection.

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