Message "Your foundation uses alternate general ledger accounts" when attempting to do a grant adjustment
  • 19 Apr 2023
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Message "Your foundation uses alternate general ledger accounts" when attempting to do a grant adjustment

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Article summary

There is a message box that pops up when I click Grant adjustments that reads:

Your foundation uses alternate general ledger accounts for some funds.

Use extreme caution when processing grant adjustments that create transactions affecting the general ledger.

What does this mean?

If the GL FundID option is enabled under Funds in System Options and the user is processing a grant or scholarship adjustment, the following information message pops up when you click on run process:  

Your foundation uses alternate general ledger accounts for some funds.  Use extreme caution when processing grant adjustments that create transactions affecting general ledger.  

This means that the fundid used in processing gifts and grants might be different that the fundid used on the associated journal entries. You should pay attention to the AP debit memos or GL entries created by the adjustment process and make sure they reflect the correct fundid that is used in the GL.  

Important to note: This message will not pop-up if the option has been turned on and a GL fundid entered, but the option turned off again.

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