Payment Number is "0." when creating and posting an Interfund by Linking a Gift and Grant using Linking Tool
  • 17 Jan 2023
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Payment Number is "0." when creating and posting an Interfund by Linking a Gift and Grant using Linking Tool

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Article summary

Payment Number is "0." when creating and posting an Interfund by Linking a Gift and Grant using Linking Tool



There are two reasons why this can occur. Both causes have been resolved in FIMS 14.75

1. When going to View > Interfund Module > File Maintenance > Link/Unlink Existing Gifts/Grants, the user enters grant and gift numbers and Click's Link. If the user chooses automatic payment but doesn't enter a Payment Date then the check has no payment date and Reconcile G/L with Subsidiary modules has differences.

Also if the check number hasn't been entered or Use Grant Number isn't checked then the payment number ends up with 0. 
Automatic payment option chosen but note that no payment date was chosen. Note also that Use Grant Number checkbox is not checked and no check number (payment number) was entered. In 14.75 now users will see this message and forces the user to enter those missing values.

2. This issue can occur if the user cancels at the second screen in the linking tool but the Interfund is still created .

In FIMS 14.75 the interfund is not created when cancelling from the second screen.

Steps To Duplicate

  1. Use Gift import to create gifts
  2. Create grant records
  3. Use linking tool to link gift and grant in View > Interfund Module > File Maintenance > Link/Unlink Existing Gifts/Grants
  4. See interfunds in interfund module
  5. Right click on interfund and select auto pay and use grant number as payment number

6. Post interfund
7. See payment # show as 0

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