Pledge Tab (Pledge History)
  • 19 Sep 2023
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Pledge Tab (Pledge History)

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Pledge Tab (Pledge History)

This tab is almost identical to the Pledge Tab for unposted Pledges, with a few exceptions:

  • Although many of the same fields are present, most of them are disabled (read-only). For example, you cannot change the ID Code, Amount, Pledge Date, or Fund ID for a posted Pledge.
  • There is an Original Amounts radio button in addition to the Additional Detail, Comment, and Other radio buttons. This read-only section displays the total Pledge Amount and the Number of Payments set up when the Pledge was entered.
  • There are two buttons on this tab that are not on the Pledge tab for unposted Pledges: Adjust Pledge, and Write-Off Pledge. Refer to Adjusting and Writing off Historic Pledges for more information.

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