Select and Tag Records
  • 23 Mar 2023
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Select and Tag Records

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Data Grids > Select and Tag Records

Select and Tag Records

There are several ways to select and tag records in FIMS Data Grids. Keep the following in mind to determine whether you want to select or tag a record:

  • Selecting a record highlights it in the list. You can then double-click the record, or click a module tab to open the record. The highlight is removed when you select a different record in the Data Grid.
  • Tagging a record places a checkmark in the far-left column of the record, which remains even when you select and/or tag other records. This can be useful for running reports, or seeing a group of related records grouped together.

Tag/Untag Selected

The Tag Selected and  Untag Selected options are available on the right-click menu.

The Tag Selected option places a checkmark next to every selected (highlighted) record in the Data Grid. The Untag selected option removes the checkmark from every selected (highlighted) record in the data grid.

Display Tagged Items

This option is available on the right-click menu for the Data Grid. Use this option to resort your records so that all tagged records move to the top of the Data Grid.

NOTE: This option is only available in Full Data Grid views.

Tag All / Untag All Buttons

These options are available on the Data Grid Toolbar, and on the right-click menu for the Data Grid. Tag All places a checkmark next to every record in the Data Grid. You can then clear the checkmark from individual records as needed. This is helpful if you want to select most of the records in the Data Grid. If you want to clear the selection checkmarks, click the Untag All button. You can then manually tag any desired records.

Manual Selection

To select a single record in the Data Grid, click anywhere in the row that contains the record. The system will highlight the selected record.

If you want to select multiple records, do one of the following:

1. To select a contiguous group of records, do one of the following:

  • Select the first record, then hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select the last record in the desired group.
  • Click on the row marker (on the far left-hand side of the record on the data grid) for the first record you want to select and drag your mouse to the last record in the desired group.

2. To select a non-contiguous group of records, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and select each desired record.

Note: You cannot use this method to de-select records – you can only use it to select them.

Manual Tagging

To tag a record in the Data Grid, double-click in the Tagging field on the far left-hand side of the Data Grid. A checkmark will appear to indicate that the record is tagged. If you want to tag multiple records, select them in the Data Grid, and then click the Tag Selected button.

Note: Be sure to only double-click in the Tagging field. Double-clicking in any other column will open the record.

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