Unable to open file ssimp.txt Errno 2 98 when attempting to import contacts into FIMS on Azure Cloud
  • 30 May 2023
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Unable to open file ssimp.txt Errno 2 98 when attempting to import contacts into FIMS on Azure Cloud

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Article summary

Unable to open file ssimp.txt Errno = 2 (98) when attempting to import contacts into FIMS on Azure Cloud.


Steps To Duplicate:

1. Follow the steps in this article to import contacts into FIMS:

How can I Import Contact Records into FIMS?

2. On the last step of the process, the error occurs.


By default, the ssimp.txt will be written into the npo\found\FIMS folder which is not writable for clients on Azure Cloud and thus the error will occur for customers using FIMS on Azure Cloud.

To resolve this issue do the following:

1. Go to Tools\User Preferences\All Other Preferences
2. Scroll down to the SaveAsDir option
3. On the right for the value, select a local drive and folder on the workstation for that FIMS user, for example, S:\FIMSimport. It would be recommended to create a new separate folder for this process. You can also use S;\tempfiles as well for for the SaveAs dir.
4. Click Apply and OK.

If you would like to set the same directory for all FIMS users rather than set one per user, do the following:

1. Go to Tools\System Utilities\System Options
2. Go to the System section\SaveAsDir option
3. Set the value there for all users. This can be the same folder you set for the individual FIMS user above.

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