Advisor Email Addresses not Appearing in DonorCentral even when Upload is Running Daily
  • 01 May 2023
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Advisor Email Addresses not Appearing in DonorCentral even when Upload is Running Daily

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Article summary

Advisor Email Addresses not Appearing in DonorCentral even though the upload is taking place every day. 

This can be caused by a few different things:

1. A conflict on the Fund Association tab of the Fund. If an advisor is listed twice on the fund association tab with different rep type codes, but one has Yes for accessing Donor Central and the other No, this can cause a conflict and can cause advisors to randomly disappear from DonorCentral.

To resolve this issue, all rep types for the same advisor need to be set for Yes to be able to access DonorCentral.

2. If there are duplicate emails in FIMS for the advisor. Verify that the same email address isn't in two places. To find that out use the System Integrity Report and make sure to Check DC Email Validation. 
System Integrity Report 

If an email is used in two different profiles where there are fund associations to upload to DC then neither are uploaded. It is also recommended to remove the fund association as well as the email off of the duplicate profile. For example, if there is a business and a personal profile but both use the same email address and have the same fund association to the same fund, there can be conflicts. Only one of the profiles should have the fund association and the email. 

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