Contact Tab (Grant Application History)
  • 09 Oct 2023
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Contact Tab (Grant Application History)

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Article summary

Contact Tab (Grant Application History)

The Contact tab contains the contact information for the main contact and the payee.

The fields on this tab are identical to those on the Contact tab for unposted Applications. However the Payee information can only be changed if the Grant has not been paid.

Note: Any changes to the Payee information on this tab will also change the Payee on the Voucher in Accounts Payable.

Note: If the Payee is incorrect, and the Grantee and the Payee are the same, you should do a grant adjustment to correct the information for both the Grantee and Payee. Refer to Correcting the Grantee for more information.

Refer to the Contact Tab for unposted Applications for more information about the fields on this tab.

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