Edit Contacts Window
  • 11 Jul 2023
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Edit Contacts Window

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You are here: Introduction to FIMS > FIMS Interface > Contacts and Tickles > Edit Contacts Window

Edit Contacts Window

The Edit Contacts window is where you add and edit any Contacts / Tickles. You can access this window by doing one of the following:

  • Click the Edit Contacts button in the Reminders for Today window.
  • Click the Contacts tab in the Contacts data grid.
  • Double-click the desired Contact record in any Contact-related data grid.

Edit Contacts Window


Contact/Tickle Entry Fields



Contact No.

Read-only number that is used to identify the Contact record. FIMS automatically assigns the Contact Number when you create a new Contact.

ID Code

The ID Code for the Profile that you want to relate to your contact. Once you create a contact, it also appears on the Contacts tab for the related Profile.

You can also create tickles that don’t relate to a Profile. To do this, simply leave the ID Code field blank when you create your tickle.


Displays the Profile Report Name if a contact is related to a Profile. The name is automatically pulled from the Profile Management module when you select an ID Code.

You can also use this field to record the name of a Contact with no Profile by manually entering a name.

Sort Field

Displays the Profile Sort Name, if the contact is related to a Profile. The name is automatically pulled from the Profile Management module when you select an ID Code.

You can also use this field to record the name of a contact with no Profile by manually entering a name.


This checkbox is cleared by default (no tickle is created).

Select the checkbox to create a tickle for the contact.

On and after the selected Tickle Date, tickles continue to display until this checkbox is cleared.

Tickle Date

Date when you want the reminder (tickle) to first appear. The default is today’s date.

Tickle Who

The user who will see the tickle when they log into FIMS. The default is the current user, but you can select a different User ID to tickle someone else.

Contact Date

Date when the contact was created. The default is today’s date, but you can select a different date if necessary.

Next Action

Date when follow-up action is required.

Contact Type

User-defined code that categorizes the Contact/Tickle.

You can update the available codes by selecting File Maintenance > Profile Code Maintenance > Contact Type from the Profile Management module.


Time of day when the contact occurred. The default is the time set on your computer.


A numeric field that allows you to set a priority level for contacts. This is especially useful for to-do’s.

Available values range from 0-99.


Select this checkbox when the Contact is inactive (no further action is required). This checkbox is cleared by default, indicating that the action is open.

Note: Closing a contact does not stop a tickle from appearing when you log into FIMS. You have to clear the Tickle checkbox to keep the tickle from appearing.


Select this checkbox if the contact/tickle recurs annually. This checkbox is cleared by default.

Note: If you set a contact to recur, you must advance the contact date every year to reset tickles for annual tasks (change the Application/Grant number). Refer to Advancing Contact Dates in the Profile Management module for more information.


User-defined code used to relate a contact to an outside solicitor. Solicitors in FIMS are those who solicit donors for money or recommend the organization to donors.

You can update the available Solicitor codes by selecting File Maintenance > Donor and Gift Code Maintenance > Solicitor from the Donor and Gift Management module.

Note: The Solicitor code also can be attached to Donor and Gift records.


User-defined code used to associate a contact with a particular staff member.

You can update the available Staff codes by selecting File Maintenance > Profile Code Maintenance > Staff from the Profile Management module.


A numeric entry field that allows you to associate a Contact with a particular Grant or Application by entering the Grant Number.

The lookup button allows you to search for and select from a list of grant numbers.


Data entry field that allows you to enter a Fund ID to associate a contact with a Fund.

You can also click the Lookup button (magnifying glass) next to this field to search for the desired fund.


Text field used to enter the details of the contact (for example, a record of conversation, notes, instructions, or tasks to accomplish).


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