Maintain Profile User-Defined Codes
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Maintain Profile User-Defined Codes

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Article summary

Maintain Profile User-Defined Codes

You use Profile User-Defined codes to populate the fields in the User Defined Codes section on the Profile 2 tab. These four fields have user-definable labels as well as a user-defined code table.

Refer to Configuring Labels for Profile User-Defined Code Fields for more information about assigning labels to these fields.

All four fields will accept codes from the User-Defined code table. The first two fields require a valid code from this table. The second two fields will accept either a code or up to six characters of free form text. You can also determine which of the codes will be available in each field.

Note: You can convert Profile User-Defined Codes to Affiliation codes using the Move User Codes to Affiliations utility. Refer to Moving User Codes to Affiliations for more information.

1. In the Profile Management module, select File Maintenance > Profile Code Maintenance > User-Defined. The User-Defined Code Maintenance window opens.

User-Defined Code Maintenance Window

2. Click New to add desired code

Note: Refer to Maintaining FIMS Codes in the Introduction for more information on setting up code tables.

3. The bottom section of this window displays the four Profile User Field labels that will appear on the Profile 2 tab. You can determine which of your codes will appear in each field by doing the following:

  • Select the desired code from the list, and then click the Update Applies To button. The Profile User Code Properties window opens.

Profile User Code Properties

  • In the Value field, enter either Yes or No to determine whether the selected code will be available in the selected field.
  • Click the Close button (X) in the corner of the title bar to close the Properties window.

4. Click the Save button.

5. When you are finished, click the Close button at the bottom of the User-Defined Code Maintenance window. 

Tip: Profile User-Defined Codes and 1099 Forms. If you print a large number of 1099 forms, some of which use Box 3 and some which use Box 7, you can use Profile User-Defined Codes to determine which Vendors should receive which form.

  • Create a Profile User-Defined code called 1099 Form that has Box 3 and Box 7 as options.
  • When you create Profile records for your Vendors who receive 1099 forms, select either Box 3 or Box 7 on the Profile 2 tab.
  • When you run the 1099 Vendor Report and Forms, go to the Selections tab, select the 1099 Form field, and enter either Box 3 or Box 7 in both the From and Through fields (depending on which version of the form you are printing).
  • Run the report and print your forms as usual.
  • Repeat this process to print the other style of form, if necessary.

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