Running the Unitization Report
  • 06 Nov 2024
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Running the Unitization Report

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Running the Unitization Report

The Unitization Report is a columnar report that lists investment activity for the current, unposted Cycle. Each line displays activity for one Fund, with columns for Beginning Balance, any changes during the Cycle, and Ending Balance.

1. In FACTS, click the Reconciliation supertab and then click the Processes tab.

2. Select Unitization Report from the Reconciliation Processes list, and then click the Run Process button. The Unitization Report Selections window opens.
 Unitization Report Selections Window

NOTE: The Print Income Section checkbox is only available if you selected the Use Income Balances checkbox on the Pool tab. The Display Book Values of Funds checkbox is only available if you selected the Use Book Balances checkbox on the Pool tab.

3. Select the Pool record(s) that you want to include in the report from the left-hand pane and click the Add button to move it to the right-hand pane.

4. (Optional) If you are tracking Income in FACTS and want to include Income information on the report, select the Print Income Section checkbox.

5. (Optional) If you want to prevent Funds with a zero balance in the Pool from appearing on the report, select the Bypass Funds with No Market Value checkbox. This checkbox is selected by default.

6. (Optional) If you are tracking Book Balances in FACTS and want to include each Fund’s Book Value in the report, select the Display Book Values of Funds checkbox.

NOTE: Even if you are tracking Book Balances, you may want to clear this checkbox to view a Unitization report that has no Beginning and Ending Book balances, but does display Realized and Unrealized gains in separate columns. You should also clear this checkbox if you are tracking Book Value for Investment Accounts and the Pool, but not for Funds.

7. Click OK. The report opens in the FIMS Viewer.

Example: Unitization Report


  • Tip: Interpreting the Unitization Report

NOTE: When you run the Unitization report, make sure that you examine various Funds at to see if the earnings allocation is as expected. For example, if you are trying to remove a Fund from the Pool, then there should be no earnings allocation and the Ending Market Value for that Fund should be $0. If it is not, then examine your Confirm Dates. It is safe to work on the Reconciliation, run Pool Allocation and view the Unitization report repeatedly. You should not run the Edit report and post until the Unitization report correctly displays the Fund balances.

Keep the following items in mind when you review and interpret the Unitization report:

  • The beginning and ending unit value is printed at the upper left of the report, under the date, to give an indication of the appreciation of the Pool. You should compare the ending value to your calculated total.
  • If you are not tracking Book Value for Funds, the Unitization report will not display Beginning and Ending Book Value columns and will present Unrealized Gains and Losses in a separate column from Realized Gains and Losses. If you are tracking Book Value, and you select the Display Book Value of Funds checkbox in the Unitization Report Selections window, the Realized and Unrealized Gains will be combined in a single column.
  • This report is derived completely from FACTS Fund balance records (F-Fund-Balance). The totals at the bottom of the report are for the entire Pool, but do not come from the FACTS Pool Balance record (F-Pool-Balance). The Reconciliation Report prints the values from the FACTS Pool Balance record, so the two reports serve as a convenient cross check of your balance records. Refer to Running the Reconciliation Report for more information.
  • Interest and Dividends are combined in a single column.
  • Allocations for all Fee fields are combined in the Fees column. Sometimes fee fields are used to track other allocable values, so this must be taken into account when interpreting the Unitization report.
  • The Gifts / Receipts / Transfers column usually sums only FACTS Transactions that were automatically created from Fund level General Ledger Transactions. While other columns display a value in every row of a column that shows any value, the Gifts / Receipts / Transfers column for one Fund may have a large value, and another Fund’s column may have a value of zero.
  • FACTS will not allocate to a Fund whose ending market value on the first day of the Cycle



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