How to Create a Zip File of Fund Statements to Upload to DonorCentral
  • 13 Dec 2023
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How to Create a Zip File of Fund Statements to Upload to DonorCentral

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Article summary

I need to create a Zip file containing fund statements to upload to DonorCentral, how can I do that?


1. Go to eAdvisor\Statements

  • For on-premises customers go to N:\eAdvisor\Statements
  • For FIMS on NPact Azure customers go to the eAdvisor folder on the local computer or S:\eAdvisor\Statements where the PDFs were created.
  • The folder where PDFs are created is the path set in user preferences in FIMS in Tools > User Preferences > All Other Preferences > DonorCentral_Download_Directory. You can check there to verify where your PDFs are being saved

2. On the keyboard of your computer, hit the Control button then the A key to select all files in the statements folder including the Contents file

3. Right-click the selected files and from the menu that appears select Send to > Compressed zipped folder

  • For FIMS hosted by NPact in My Files when you right-click the files, you will then need to go to Share then click Zip. Once the zip file is created in S:\eAdvisor\Statements , you will need to copy that zip file to your local computer so that you can upload it to DonorCentral: 

How to Zip up Files in My Files

How to Move or Copy Files or Folders Between Local Drives and My Files

4. You will see a zip file created that contains all of your pdfs and contents file

5. Upload that zip file directly to DonorCentral

Upload Fund Statements Directly to DonorCentral

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