Grantee and Grant Reports
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Grantee and Grant Reports

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Article summary

Grantee and Grant Reports

Grantee and Grant Management reports and exports contain information about Grant history, Grant payments, unposted applications, Grantees, and trends relating to Grants and Grantees for a given time period.


Grant History Report – Opt by Grant

Grant History Report – Opt by Fund/Tran Date

Grant History Listing Report

Grant History with Payments Report

Grant History by Fund Report

Grant History by Group Report

Conditions Follow-up Due Report / Export

Cumulative Grants by Fund Report

Payments by Fund Report

Export Grant Information

Grants by Program Area Report

All Applications Report

Committee Budget Report

Available to Grant Report

Grant Cancel / Refunds Report

Foundation Center Survey Export

Grant Analysis by Fund Report

Donor Advisor Letters Report

Outstanding Grants by Fund Report (Grants)

Grant Proposal Funding Report

Grantee Profile Report

Grantee Summary History Report

Grantee Detailed History Report

Payments by Grantee Report

Export Grantee Information

IRS 990 Grantee Schedule Report

Summarized Grantee Report

Unposted Application Listing Report

Unposted Application Profile Report

Unposted Application Export

Unposted Application Export w/ Fund Rep

Review and Required Items Report

Unposted Application Listing by Fund Report

Unposted App Address Info by Fundid

Review Available Balance of Unposted Applications Report

Application History Listing Report

Application History Export

Application History Export w/Fund Rep

Review and Required Items – Posted Report

User Defined Application History Export

Amortization Schedule Report

Unposted Applications Report

Trends and Analysis – Application History Report

Trends and Analysis – Grantees Report

Trends and Analysis – Grant History Report

Conditions Activity Report

Trends and Analysis – Grants – Budget to Actual Report

Trends and Analysis – Full Grant Status Report

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