Are there files that can be safely deleted?
    • 22 Feb 2023
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    Are there files that can be safely deleted?

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    Article summary

    FIMS uses temporary files to store data in between processes.  There are a number of temporary and backup files that can safely be deleted to reduce the size of your npo folder.

    You can safely delete the following files/folders:
    • Any folders that have "old" in their name - i.e. foundold, dlcold, etc.
    • Any files in the \npo\found\tempfiles folder that do not have today's date.
    • Any files in the \npo\found\dbbackups folder that are older than one month. If you would like to keep database backups longer, you can always move those to an offsite location or external drive off of the server.
    • There are other files in the FIMS folder than can be deleted. Please contact support to review those.

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