What is the Meaning of all the Items on the Accounts Payable Check Reconciliation Report?
    • 02 Jun 2023
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    What is the Meaning of all the Items on the Accounts Payable Check Reconciliation Report?

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    Article summary

    I don't understand all of the lines on the Check Reconciliation Report.  Could you please decipher it for me?

    Steps To Duplicate:
    The Accounts Payable reconciliation report is located in the Accounts Payable module\Reconciliation tab\processes tab.
    Opening Bank Balance: The ending bank balance from last month's bank statement. This should also agree with the opening balance on this month's statement.

    Note: The following cleared items are included if they have a transaction date between the From/Through Transaction dates put on the initial screen and have a reconciled date between the From/Through Reconciliation dates :
    • Total Checks = Total of cleared checks
    • Total Deposits = Total of cleared deposits
    • Total Fees = Total of cleared fees
    • Total Interest = Total of cleared interest
    • Total Void Checks = Total of cleared voided checks
    Calculated Ending Balance:  Opening Bank Balance, plus (minus) all cleared transactions listed above

    Statement Bank Balance:  Figure entered on the initial screen - ending balance on the bank statement for the month being reconciled

    Variance:   The difference between the Calculated Ending Balance on the report and the Statement Bank Balance - should be zero

    Note: The following uncleared items are listed if they have a Transaction Date between the From/Through Transaction Dates put on the initial screen and either a blank reconciliation date or a Reconciliation date that falls outside the From/Through Reconciliation Dates put on the initial screen:
    • Uncleared Checks:   Total of uncleared checks
    • Uncleared Check Voids: Total of uncleared check voids
    • Uncleared Fees: Total of uncleared fees
    • Uncleared Interest: Total of uncleared interest
    • Uncleared Deposits: Total of uncleared deposit or other additions
    Ending Book Balance:  Total of the Calculated Ending Balance plus (minus) uncleared items. (Should match the checking account balance in FIMS as of the same date as long as all other activity for the checking account has been entered as transactions in Checking Account Reconciliation.)

    Consolidated Trial Balance: Ending Consolidated Trial Balance for the account as of the From Reconciliation Date - number coming from GL

    Variance: Difference between the Ending Book Balance and the Consolidated Trial Balance - should be zero

    Uncleared Checks and Fees:   A detailed list of uncleared checks and fees from above

    Uncleared Deposits and Other Credits: A detailed list of uncleared deposits and other credits from above

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