Include Checkbox Missing from Reconcile Subsidiary Modules with GL Report After Progress 11 Upgrade
  • 31 May 2023
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Include Checkbox Missing from Reconcile Subsidiary Modules with GL Report After Progress 11 Upgrade

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Article summary

After being upgraded to Progress 11, the Include checkboxes are missing from the Reconcile Subsidiary Modules with GL report for all users.

Steps To Duplicate:
1. Go to Reports\General Ledger\Reconcile Subsidiary Modules with GL
2. Note that the four Include checkboxes that are usually underneath the Delete buttons in each Account area are now gone.
This issue is related to Progress 11 due to these checkboxes not being visible in Progress 11. This issue was resolved in Azure Cloud and those being migrated to Progress 11.

Icon Images in FIMS are Hidden after Upgrading to Progress 11

This issue is resolved in FIMS 14.66 for those customers on Progress 11.

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