**Error Compiling E:\npo\Found\FIMS\gui\GRANTS\D-IRS990.W after upgrading to 14.60
    • 28 Mar 2023
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    **Error Compiling E:\npo\Found\FIMS\gui\GRANTS\D-IRS990.W after upgrading to 14.60

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    Article summary

    After upgrading to 14.60 received one compiler error:

    **Error Compiling E:\npo\Found\FIMS\gui\GRANTS\D-IRS990.W
          ** Error=** divcode is ambiguous with Fund.divcode and AppHistory.divcode (72)
          ** Error=** E:\npo\Found\FIMS\gui\GRANTS\D-IRS990.W Could not understand line 1248. (196)

    To resolve do the following:

    1. Make sure the D-IRS990.w is not old. For example, for 14.60 or 14.61 updates, the file should have a March or April 2018 date. If the one on the system is older, replace with the newer one, you can use the file attached IF you are using FIMS 14.60 or 14.61

    2. Make sure there is nothing in the npo\found\FIMS\custom folder relating to this file. If so, verify its function and move or remove as needed.

    3. Recompile the GUI folder by going to Tools\System Utilities\Admin Utilities\FIMS Compiler, just choose the GUI folder as shown below and click compile:

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