Check in Check Export has ACH Account Number from Check Directly Above in the Report
    • 24 May 2023
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    Check in Check Export has ACH Account Number from Check Directly Above in the Report

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    Article summary

    Steps To Duplicate:
    1. Go to Accounts Payable\Open Items
    2. Find an item in question that needs to be paid and is an ACH payment
    3. Click and open the record and click on Print Check
    4. Enter in the Check date and number
    5. Click on the box that says Show all Print Selections
    6. In the Window that opens, for the ACH Payments drop down select ACH payments
    7. Click OK
    8. In the report window that opens click Export Check Info\Export on the top
    9. Choose a file name and a location to save the document by clicking on the disk symbol
    10. Select the export format
    11. Click run report
    12. Open the report in Excel since it is easier to see the coumns
    13. Note, for example, on the 2nd check in the list the ACH Account Number
    14. On the check immediately beneath it, see the same ACH Account Number for that check which is not correct since this is a different grantee\payee\vendor. 
    This issue is addressed in the future release version 14.50.

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