How do I get a list of inactive profiles?
    • 10 May 2023
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    How do I get a list of inactive profiles?

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    Article summary

    I need to see who we have marked inactive.  How can I do this?

    Profiles are marked inactive for many reasons.  The most common reason is because the donor is deceased or the business is no longer. Other fields on the profile are frequently modified at the time the profile is marked inactive and periodically checking to see the values on the other standard fields is a good data management exercise.

    There are two ways to see a list of Inactive profiles:

    1. Run the profile listing and select on Active Profile? = no and one or both of the Allow Mail and Solicitor values to see which profile might have choices conflicting with your internal policy (or whatever other fields you are concerned about)

    2. Another option is to create a data grid to analyze. To do this:
    • Open Profiles
    • Click the view selection drop-down and choose active profiles from the list.
    • Click View Settings. The Active Profile data grid will have a selection for Yes for Active Profiles:

    • Click Save As and name your new data grid Inactive Profiles. What you are doing is creating a new data grid based off of the Active Profile one.
    • Click OK
    • On the selection tab change the yes to no and save.

    • Click Generate View
    • You now have a grid of inactive profiles.
    If the fields you want to examine are not displayed in the grid, click View settings again and add the fields you want to see displayed in the columns tab.  Click Save and Generate. 

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