How do I print out a list of the codes in the fund division, class, type and subtype fields?
    • 02 Jun 2023
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    How do I print out a list of the codes in the fund division, class, type and subtype fields?

    • Dark
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    Article summary

    I need a list of the codes in the fund division, class, type and subtype fields. Is there a report I can use?

    There are two ways to print out a list of codes for these four fields:
    1. Click on Reports > General Ledger > GL Segment Report.
    2. Click Run Report.
    • You should keep an up-to-date print-out of this at all times and document internally what each code means.
    1. Click on Reports > FIMS Code Listings.
    2. Select Fund as the Module at the top.
    3. Then holding your Ctrl key select each code you want.
    4. Unless you want each code list on a separate page, uncheck New page for each code.
    • This report will also print out the detail for the Fund Class defaults.

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